Handmade Recycled Papier & Stationery

“Because Digital Just Doesn’t Feel The Same”

“Because digital just doesn’t feel the same”

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Keep paper out of landfills,

and vintage in our homes.


Upcoming events

  • Tales & Trinkets Market

    3/2 11am - 4pm

  • Book Lovers Bliss Bookfair

    3/15 & 3/16 12pm - 4pm

  • Mother's Day Market

    5/4 11am - 4pm

Take a Gnomie Homie

Naked or Clothed, with hats every color of the rainbow, these little old men will make their way into you heart!

Timeless Pieces with Endless Reaches

Taking vintage knick-knacks and antique tools and transforming them into wearable art. Allowing these pieces to maintain the beauty from there era, shining in there new found glory.

Journal With Me!

Acquire journal inspiration, or just vibe with my art.