Papier Pour Moi

Technology has taken away from the poetic beauty of the physical. Making everything instantaneous. Knowledge and ideas are readily available in nano seconds. Information is shoved down your throat so quickly that we hardly have time to swallow. We have all but forgotten the simple joys of life, taking a moment to breath, process the world around us.

“Digital just doesn’t feel the same!”

Aalibrary was founded by Aaliyah Mason in 2019, but has been her brain child since she was a lass. Never being much of a technology person herself, she always had her hands on something crafty. Paper making became her favorite pass time, creating journals that she could brain dump in, and cards for holidays. Once Covid hit, like most small businesses of that era, she was able to pour her whole self into truly creating a business that would allow everyone to appreciate paper in a new light.

Aalibrary is a mix of Aaliyah and Library, this is her library, but also a time machine into the past. A chance to appreciate the generations of old but in the 21st century. A chance to, create, inspire, read, study, wear, or just watch everything the library has to offer. Because just like the brick and mortar cousin, Aalibrary is a safe place for all to enjoy the wonders of its confides, which are only limited by our imagination.


Papier Pour Moi

Papier pour moi. Literally translated from french means paper for me, or my paper. But those with a willing mind…

It is the meaning of all the possibilities a single piece of paper holds. All the inept potential. It’s creativity waiting to happen.